Maryline Roux

An exciting beginning!

On July 19-21, 2024, we embarked on our new journey with our inaugural La Vie Yoga retreat at True Nature Healing Art in Carbondale, Colorado. My business partner Jen Curnutt and myself have been blessed to lead this retreat to fantastic guests. We shared unforgettable moments and our guests are already asking when and where […]

Summer Retreat Announced

Summer Retreat Announced La Vie Yoga 2024 Summer Retreat My new business partner Maryline and I are excited to announce that registration is now open for La Vie Yoga’s 2024 Summer Retreat from July 19-21 at True Nature Healing Arts in Carbondale, Colorado. Treat yourself to a weekend of relaxation and rejuvenation. Retreat includes Kaiut […]

Grief is a companion

🍃 Grief is a companion On days like that, I wonderhow the last breath feels—inside— In this big orchestra, some call Life,I wonder even moreif preludes, our days in between,promise more substantial hours—later— Long frail fingers plays the noteson one old piano’s keys,a fugue,where voices flee,chasing each other in an intricate dance. Grief is a […]

Histoire d’Amour

🍃 Histoire d’Amour Mother Earth knowsunfeasiblelove storiesby heart So i sat by the riverand i listened . . . Drawn by your depthsi travelled the distanceto witnessthe ondulation of your moves,nudging each stone furtherlike a breast gently brushed. River-beds too often longfor rains that never fallor snow that never melts,till it happens again—a rush—a natural […]


Insipid There’s a taste in her mouthlingering around;It could be a cloudnever full enoughto cry some rain I imagine that the budsof her tongue have ceasedto read flavorsthe way encrusted diamondshave renouncedto shine . . . she lets the breezeentersher mouthto revive a touching momentof nonchalance while the wind, an old friend,she encountersthrough the seasonsof […]

Meet Damien aka The Pirate

Damien wrote a beautiful book he dedicated to his son, Striker. I would like to help him find a publisher for this little wonder he came up with, his book: ‘I Love You More Than’ … Damien said: ‘All parents should read it to their children’… and I agreed. Please contact me if interested.

lululemon AMBASSADORS Tour Stop

My dear lululemon’s Ambassadors crushed it on the mat :full gear on parasympathetic mode, they surfed the waves of true restfulness. We could have not do it without #lululemon #thesweatlife #ambassadors and with our @bepraska for organizing it all

Lululemon Ambassadorship

I am grateful to lululemon and Bethany Praska for choosing me to lead and influence my community in alignment with their mission, ethics and values, sharing #thesweatlife and better health with you all. Thank you to Kenny Withrow for the great photo shoot. Thank you to Judeth owner of Judeth’s curly hair studio for my […]