Grief is a companion

🍃 Grief is a companion On days like that, I wonderhow the last breath feels—inside— In this big orchestra, some call Life,I wonder even moreif preludes, our days in between,promise more substantial hours—later— Long frail fingers plays the noteson one old piano’s keys,a fugue,where voices flee,chasing each other in an intricate dance. Grief is a […]
Histoire d’Amour

🍃 Histoire d’Amour Mother Earth knowsunfeasiblelove storiesby heart So i sat by the riverand i listened . . . Drawn by your depthsi travelled the distanceto witnessthe ondulation of your moves,nudging each stone furtherlike a breast gently brushed. River-beds too often longfor rains that never fallor snow that never melts,till it happens again—a rush—a natural […]

Insipid There’s a taste in her mouthlingering around;It could be a cloudnever full enoughto cry some rain I imagine that the budsof her tongue have ceasedto read flavorsthe way encrusted diamondshave renouncedto shine . . . she lets the breezeentersher mouthto revive a touching momentof nonchalance while the wind, an old friend,she encountersthrough the seasonsof […]
Senses’ Dance

We are multitudes If only we had eyes to see beyond the surface of an ocean too wide to hold all our sorrows encrusted in the depth of the sea We are multitudes If only we had hearts to beat at the rhythm of our feelings, raw and fragile—often […]
Just because …

It’s not your death anniversary nor your birth day in Heaven. I share your Presence when I miss It the most. The hole in my heart is bigger and deeper than the Grand Canyon. I know you’re near though. Yesterday I found a black feather; I love that you care from afar I can’t […]
Salt … Pepper … Blond(e)…

Jesus is laughing in his little corner of Paradisewhen He hears voices of men and womenfighting overthe complexion of his skin. Just look at the sole of my feet —he said—his words bouncing from one cloud to the next—they are no color;because this skin never comes into contact with light. So, what’s the fuss? Melanin […]
Red Lipstick

I turn my head for just a glimpse of her and her lipstick I wonder who will lose his gaze in her timid eyes after dusk. Will her lips leave red lines, like vermillion imprints on a French red wine glass or will the pavement tremble under the walk of her high heels? […]
Until that day

Until that day . . . when . . . the World stopped to touch, to hug, to kiss I did not know— Until that day . . . when . . . my Dog and I met for the first-time face to face I did not know— Until that day […]
Lost Bridges

Somewhere there must be bridges away from walls that weigh us down; minds cluttered in silenced chats hinder our breaths from shallow weeps Some lives are being lived in between waves inside moments caving in under the strain. Ancient riddles get solved to save old stories from being lost. Perhaps we live to see […]
Fragile Existence

Hold your breath God is nearby— a tower in the Sky with no rooftops to reach He made you for He’s A Sculptor. Contours and lines, fullness and voids, He pierced the stone one beat—one by one A touch; irreplicable If at times, in between sobs land a hand familiar to my pores so […]