Maryline Roux

I’m thrilled to have been selected as lululemon’s Yoga Ambassador to teach a « yoga for runners » community class introducing the Kaiut yoga method to runners during the events leading up to the Boulderthon on September 29th, a top-rated US marathon named one of the « Best Fall Marathons » by Runner’s World.

Reserve your spot here:
Boulderthon Yoga for Runners with Lululemon

My intention as a lululemon’s Ambassador is to provide Boulderthon runners a space to learn more about the benefits of a regular yoga practice and how it can support them with their running goals and injury prevention, as well as give them the opportunity to connect with others in the Boulder running community in a setting outside of running.

My yoga class will be followed by a recovery portion hosted by Upswell Studio (normatec boots, cold plunge, etc.).

‘’After nearly tripling in size last year and selling out, Boulderthon sets a new 10,000 runner cap’’.

I am looking forward to sharing a bit of my 17 years running career with all the participants and to explain how the Kaiut yoga method has changed my life.

The entire team at lululemon is beyond excited to partner with the Boulderthon this year. ‘’We will show up at three different pre-race events as we get to know the Boulderthon community of runners more and add value to the race by taking care of the whole person with our lululemon ‘s culture and community spirit in mind. »

***REEL *** courtesy of my business partner Jennifer Curnutt @jen33travel
