Two years ago, I decided to sculpt for the first time. The anecdote is that when I had to choose between 4 different stones, I picked, without knowing it, the one with an inscription on it that said “MA’’— MA is my Artist’s signature.
Papillon unveiled herself under endless pounding beats —ever changing. I chose Opal to sculpt, or maybe Opal chose me. This precious stone enkindles optimism, enthusiasm and creativity, and allows for the release of inhibitions inspiring love and passion. It is said it aids in accessing one’s true self.
Papillon is fragile and voluptuous laying there undoubtedly inviting the viewer to sense her deep sensuality. Tired of the mundane, she flies untiringly, like the Monarch in search of the Sun. Traps along the way never stop her from pursuing her Voyage of Freedom.
She never dies…because.…She’s not afraid of Death.