Maryline Roux

Velvet Thunder tentative book cover

Maryline has been writing poems over the years. She believes that poetry is an art to not lose; writing words together and creating stanzas feels close to performing a dance that each reader can interpret differently, similarly to admiring paintings.

The pandemic has been a time of self-introspection and allowed her to dig deep into her soul.

Grief is a companion

🍃 Grief is a companion On days like that, I wonderhow the last breath feels—inside— In this big orchestra, some…

Histoire d’Amour

🍃 Histoire d’Amour Mother Earth knowsunfeasiblelove storiesby heart So i sat by the riverand i listened . . . Drawn…


Insipid There’s a taste in her mouthlingering around;It could be a cloudnever full enoughto cry some rain I imagine that…

Senses’ Dance 

We are multitudes      If only we had eyes to see beyond the surface of an ocean too wide…

Just because … 

It’s not your death anniversary nor your birth day in Heaven. I share your Presence when I miss It the…

Salt … Pepper … Blond(e)…

Jesus is laughing in his little corner of Paradisewhen He hears voices of men and womenfighting overthe complexion of his…

Red Lipstick

I turn my head for just a glimpse of her and her lipstick I wonder who will lose his gaze…

Until that day

Until that day . . . when . . . the World stopped to touch, to hug, to kiss I…

Lost Bridges

Somewhere there must be bridges away from walls that weigh us down; minds cluttered in silenced chats hinder our breaths…

Fragile Existence

Hold your breath God is nearby— a tower in the Sky with no rooftops to reach He made you for…

Denude a Rose One Petal at a Time

Once in summer’s end a rose garden held just one rose: a bud, afraid to bloom  In her anguish to be seen, petals froze— afraid…