What is Kaiut Yoga?
Beyond the Method
Roots need the rain, the sun, the wind and the electrons found in the ground to grow and remain strong. Our feet are our roots. They support our bodies everyday for an entire life. In most of our Kaiut yoga practices we stimulate our feet in many different ways. Our plantar girdle is involved in different poses helping the joints in our legs, hips, backs and shoulders. It often has a ripple effect on our entire body and also on our nervous system. We are as humans closer to Nature than we think—it’s a personal discovery to explore

Your Nervous System is Alive
Anxiety is a feeling connected to worrying, nervousness and intense fear, and it’s directly connected to our nervous system. It can become a disorder when the anxious state becomes chronic’’ (Teacher training 2021/2022). The practice of Kauit yoga is a natural path that acts directly on the nervous system. During our practices the gentle stimulation on the joints of our body helps to balance the body and the mind. Your nervous system is alive, and like any organs in your body it can become depleted. Think of the engine of your car when it breaks, it won’t start. We can’t neglect such a vital part of ourselves.
What is Earthing?
It simply means living in contact with the Earth’s natural surface charge—being grounded—which naturally discharges and prevent chronic inflammation in the body. The first photo represents the sciatic nerve—this is the largest peripheral nerve in the body (It is as thick as your thumb). It functions like a root for your nervous system.
Today, we mostly live and work insulated from the Earth. We’re disconnected. We’re Earth-starved. Our planet is a six sextillion (that is 6 followed by 21 zeros) metric ton battery that is continually being replenished by solar radiation , lightning, and heat from its deep molten core.
Just like the Earth, your body is mostly water and minerals. Both are good conductors of electrons, and that’s what makes you and the Earth electrically conductive.
Inflammation is now believed to be the underlying cause of more than eighty chronic illnesses, and more than half of Americans suffer currently from one or more of them. Each year, millions die from these conditions.
– Clinton Ober

Society inculcates patterns and ideas that leave us (the human world) with bad habits leading to diseases and unhealthy lifestyles.
Francisco Kaiut made this simple statement: ’’Nothing will give you energy better than health. Excitement doesn’t equal energy’’—but society wants you to believe that it does.
With the Kaiut yoga practice, students experience poses under the parasympathetic mode—a state that allows to save energy. The essence of yoga is to deliver poses, created in a specific order, to help students find in each practice a sense of repose.
One of the goals of the Kauit yoga method is to deliver balance in the students’ nervous systems—this is where the gift of health begins.
Interested to feel the impact of the method on your body?