Maryline Roux

Shadows of the Ivory
a memoir

A life lost half a world away

Maryline Anna Roux grew up in a French home where her African roots were hidden. At 18 years old, after years of false-self identity living in a white world, she sought answers to the decades-old puzzle of her past. Decades later, she returned to Ivory Coast for the first time since she was born. Despite the eruption of an abrupt civil war, Maryline reconnected with her African birth land and began her search for inner peace. Dedicated to the mother she never met and the father she lost early, Shadows of The Ivory reveals the story of a life lost half a world away.

Maryline is a renaissance woman—her fight to stay alive in the first months of her life shaped her ability to confront life’s challenges, as she endured the constant ache of abandonment and a lack of deep love. She holds a deep passion for life within, pushing her to constantly live on the edge, favoring dreams she tirelessly pursues. In her memoir, Shadows of The Ivory, she invites readers to refuse to lead a life anchored in fear and instead to always aim for the impossible.

Dr. Maya Angelou wrote, “Be certain that you do not die without having done something wonderful for humanity,” and I feel that I am answering God’s call in writing this memoir—it is therapeutic. I hope to follow Dr. Angelou’s advice, creating The Therese Yei Meledje Foundation to honor my African Mother, and help my African village, Vieux-Badien, with the book’s sales.

Book cover jacket design by Brendan Hemp


Therese Yei Meledje appeared in my dreams at first she was nameless, a shadow.

I created everything about my mother, the mother who gave birth to me; a creation I built from imagination with only one reference point: me—or whoever I saw in the mirror’s reflection.

I forgot the negritude because I did not even know it existed; my dreams did not know either. In my recurrent reverie, my mother lost the most precious attribute she possessed: her blackness. Once I left Cote D’Ivoire, I grew up in a white world where mouths veiled the truth.

I was a child, a bi-racial little girl snatched from her African roots. In some ways the separation was a blessing—I survived—but beyond my brownish skin lived a past I muted until I no longer could bear the lie.

I remained open to my African family’s folklore, no matter its accuracy; my eagerness to learn about my past transcended the limits of its truthfulness.

Baobabs can live for thousand years and I thought my mother could too. The tree is also known as “Tree of life” and when I hug trees in nature, at many occasions, I hug my mother and feel the years of absence.

My mother used to sway her hips and dance barefoot in the dirt. I learned that villagers circled Therese Yei Meledje while she danced free in the heart of her village (mine, too). I imagined my little body nestled inside her while she squatted in the fields and worked under the blazing sun in the unforgiving heat known to Africa; I suspected my presence inside her only made her hotter. My memories of my mother are sparse but I believe I have a legitimate reason to hate the heat.

I was able to perceive the murmur of her voice. Words sounded distant, covered by the underwater landscape I lived in. Perhaps she talked to me when she reached a point of exhaustion, standing in the fields cutting the crops, her face covered in sweat. She had long elegant hands. Did she use them to smooth the curve of her belly when I poked her with an elbow or a knee asking for attention?

Often, I traveled back, letting my mind wander to the time of the two of us. Scenes appeared, I just had to close my eyes.

Once at the airport, I was given to a flight attendant from the airline company Dad had reserved the flight; a total stranger.  
Did I resist? Did I cry so hard it resonated in the entire airport? Or did fear paralyzed me? 

Nobody can’t disguise reality. It happened; it’s written somewhere in our DNA. It shapes itself in different forms we hope to understand later on.  At a minimum from a writer standpoint, I can ask the questions. 
Perhaps it’s best I don’t remember a thing—I already said that.
I flew to France alone, not quite one year old. Flight attendants work during the flight. I had never flown a plane before. 
Did I sit with my seatbelt on like nothing was happening? I bet I gave them hell. And without a doubt, my fear of flying later in life has something to do with this early life episode. 

“People were the problem. How do you love another person? How do you trust another person to love you? 
I had no idea. 
I thought that love was loss.”
Those lines in Jeanette Winterson’s memoir struck me. To be so little and to begin life with this messed up concept of love was not the best start. To feel abandoned, a feeling, adoptees experienced often, is one thing; to hold a fear inside to be abandoned over and over is an exhausting nightmare. 

I was confused; I felt utterly alone—the beast began to form inside of me, inducing a pain in my guts I still feel decades later any time I palp my belly. 
The darkness inside my mother’s belly did not frighten me. I was afraid of the darkness of the world. My mother and I shared the same blood. I searched for it but never got close to it ever again. 

We did not know when we would see each other again and our return home with the civil war’s violence was questionable. Delphine left my arms against her will when our sister Jeanne called her with insistence from a distance. The separation broke my heart, my soul, my guts.

Delphine kept turning around and waving, her face transformed by her pain. She let go of Jeanne’s hand and ran back toward me.“Maryline, reste avec nous, ne me laisse pas seule’’ (Maryline, stay with us, don’t leave me alone), she cried.

How could an eleven year old little girl understand? What else could I do? Powerless, I just cried with her. I knelt in front of her, “Delphine, I cannot stay outside the house for too long. Someone could report our presence in the village because Lydia is white, I’m mixed and we’re French. You don’t want the rebels to find us?’

She looked down.“Look at me, Delphine, it’s not what you want?’’ She turned her head from right to left.

“Alors, écoutes -moi… So listen, at the same time we are going to walk back. I’ll walk toward the house and you’ll catch up with Jeanne. You cannot look back—promise me.’’

She nodded; I kissed her with all the tenderness I had in me then started to walk toward the house without looking back. My hands tightened—strong fists holding the pain. My chest hurt from holding back the tears. I entered the kitchen, closed the door, slid down against it, my hands holding my face. I let everything go; a cascade of pain. What I did was cruel, I thought, but I had no choice.

The insults I received in my childhood about my negritude knocked me in the face—what did they see I could not see? I woke up, later in life, from the false reflection I kept on seeing in the same mirror; stung by my own indifference. To those who called me names, I must thank you.

Haters suffered in their own skin; yesterday, still today and will maybe continue to suffer tomorrow—there’s a fear to lose this feeling of superiority.

In their blinded eyes, my negritude meant weakness and low-grade intelligence. The minute I portrayed my humanness with a certain degree of intelligence, I became a threat; a threat of being superior to the white man—this is where the fear came from, and still comes from.

It is important to understand this : that my African mother was illiterate has nothing to do with a lack of intelligence, but has everything to do with fate.

I opened my eyes and the village’s scene in front of me sparkled. This land is incredible, I thought. My eyes met the gaze of a child; he walked through the landscape like a little God illuminated by soft African lights.

Poverty was everywhere and children reminded me of it at each corner. “You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.“ Franck McCourt expressed this truth.

Life was meaningful. Villagers shared a special bond. They faced hardship day after day, but I could not read worries on their faces—they know what it means to live in the present.

What will I feed my children for their daily meal?
What will I eat today?
Do I have enough money to purchase water?
—those were their daily questions.

My adoptive father was addicted to pornography. I was a romantic. In the language of love, we were strangers, even enemies. I wrote ‘was’ when I could have written in the present tense. At 90 years old, he is the same man, but the porn effect has deteriorated over the years—nothing works forever. Today, I am still a romantic; the heart is a strong muscle.  Jacques, my adoptive father is a very polite man as far as greetings are concerned: ‘Bonjour Madame, Bonjour Monsieur, Bonjour Messieurs Dames’. In those instants I was listening, I was learning politeness—a rare inheritance he passed on to me. Still a child, I’d stop whatever I was doing to witness his authoritarian figure and his army haircut melt into a smile; allof a sudden he was someone else. My adoptive father never wished my birth day as if losing my biological mother and father was not enough. He seemed cut from the privilege to express love and care; perhaps a dysfunctional artery blocked his blood from reaching the heart. 

Jacques’ answers were always ‘no’.

”Can I go to my friend’s house?”

”Can I hold the dog”

”Can I sleep over?”


I stopped asking.

My adoptive mother, my best ally at home, walked the trenches for me, and served as a liaison during all this years of war between my adoptive father and I.
I still don’t know to this day how she negotiated a ‘yes’.

Couple years ago I traveled back to France. My adoptive mother had contracted the Horton disease and lost most of her sight. I stayed with my adoptive parents for 3 weeks in Britany where they live now. 

I remember a specific afternoon. Jacques slept a lot, part of the days and long nights as elderly often do. I entered his bedroom and said: “Debout mon général”(Get up my general).
He looked at me.
“Je suis fatigué” (I’m tired)
He always said that.
I grabbed a pillow and started a pillow fight. Here we could meet, at last. Old age brings you back to childhood. The lost child in me never left. For an instant while pillows flew across the room, I had a flashback to the time I hated him—the substitute father— I had stopped calling Dad for couple decades. A pillow landed in my head and shook the memory. He laughed like a kid who’s lost most of his teeth.

Forgiveness is all I had left. I had tried hate, indifference,pity—year after year— and it changed nothing except reinforcing the fact that I was fatherless.

My African mother’s funeral took place in Vieux-Badien, Côte D’Ivoire, on October 13, 2004, a week after I received the news of her passing. No flights were available on this date so I booked a flight departing a few weeks later. I thought about the funeral—a lot. It kept me awake at night. Being present on that day was beyond my capability.

I could not fathom the idea of standing close to my mother’s dead body after longing for her most of my life. Nine months in her womb, feeling her moves—all of them; listening to her breath and smelling the perfume of her skin was all I had. Nothing to add; it was final.

Facing my half- brother Atchori seemed like a bad idea. Although I knew the first person I should blame was myself—still, I was angry. Regrets are for those who missed an opportunity. If only I knew I had an opportunity. It would have been possible growing up. I just needed a little help, a little love. If the white world I lived in accepted and valued who I really was, perhaps I could have seen too; and mirrors would have stopped lying all those years. It was too late for unavailing remorse.

Fear was there all along and I don’t have a problem saying that I was scared. It was like losing ground and floating, until something snaps you down, bruises you, and wakes you with the pain.

William Shakespeare wrote: “When we are born, we
cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.”
I wonder if when we die, we smile.

Rebuilding a life lost half a world away

Below are two articles published on Mother’s Day in 2005 by The Charlotte Observer, narrating my experience during my first trip back to Ivory Coast. I left Ivory Coast when I was 1 year old and returned for the first time when I was 38 years old.

“I seem to have more than I need and you seem to have less
than you need. I would like to share my excess with you.”
Dr. Maya Angelou

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