Maryline Roux

Meow Wolf & Lululemon

lululemon ambassador

Epic time on Sunday July 16th 2023 at the Meow Wolf Convergence Center in Denver. First meeting with fellow lululemon ambassadors. As a new lululemon ambassador I am looking forward to promoting good health standards, teach awareness of the body and the mind, and provide the right resources to the people in our community. ***For […]

I’m a Lululemon Ambassador

On May 25th 2023, I’ve embarked on a new exciting year project — I became a lululemon ambassador.

I am honored and grateful to Bethany Praska… Click on the image to read more

Soul Stroll in California

soul stroll

I believe that good health is one of the most important priorities in life. My hope is to introduce the benefits of the Kaiut Yoga practice in San Francisco at the annual event Soul Stroll. Click the image to read more…

Senses’ Dance 

We are multitudes      If only we had eyes to see beyond the surface of an ocean too wide to hold all our sorrows encrusted in the depth of the sea      We are multitudes      If only we had hearts to beat  at the rhythm of our feelings,   raw and fragile—often […]

Just because … 

It’s not your death anniversary nor your birth day in Heaven. I share your Presence when I miss It the most. The hole in my heart is bigger and deeper than the Grand Canyon. I know you’re near though. Yesterday I found   a black feather;  I love that you care  from afar    I can’t […]

Salt … Pepper … Blond(e)…

Jesus is laughing in his little corner of Paradisewhen He hears voices of men and womenfighting overthe complexion of his skin. Just look at the sole of my feet —he said—his words bouncing from one cloud to the next—they are no color;because this skin never comes into contact with light. So, what’s the fuss? Melanin […]

Red Lipstick

I turn my head for just a glimpse of her and her lipstick I wonder who will lose his gaze in her timid eyes after dusk.   Will her lips leave red lines, like vermillion imprints on a French red wine glass or will the pavement tremble under the walk of her high heels?   […]

Until that day

Until that day . . . when . . . the World stopped to touch, to hug, to kiss I did not know—     Until that day . . . when . . . my Dog and I met for the first-time face to face I did not know—     Until that day […]

Lost Bridges

Somewhere there must be bridges away from walls that weigh us down; minds cluttered in silenced chats hinder our breaths from shallow weeps Some lives are being lived in between waves inside moments caving in under the strain.   Ancient riddles get solved  to save old stories from being lost.  Perhaps we live  to see  […]